Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Kata-Kata Gaul dan Kekinian dalam Bahasa Inggris, nih!

Kalian anak gaul? kekinian? so pasti suka ngomong pake istilah-istilah yang lagi ngetrend, kan? misalnya kayak baper, alay, galau, kudet, dll... 
Gatau bahasa Inggrisnya? Wah jangan sampe kudet deh... Biar lebih keren dibanding temen-temen yang lain, coba deh istilah-istilah gaulnya pake bahasa Inggris. 
Tenang pemirsa, dibawah ini ada istilah-istilah gaul dan kekinian dalam bahasa Inggris yang lagi ngetrend. So cekidot!

1. Jangan alay, ah! : Don't react too much!
2. Dia mah lebay      : He is overacting/exaggerating

#Ababil (ABG Labil)
1. Dia mah masih ababil: She is gullible teenager.
2. Jangan kayak ababil, donk!: Don't be like an unstable teenager!
3. Dasar pelajar ababil. Kerjaannya tawuran melulu: What an unstable student! They're always fighting to each others.
4. Gila lo, bikin status FB kayak gituan? Udah kayak ababil aja: You're nuts. You made such an FB status? just like an unstable teenager.

1. Hai gan, kemana aja lo? : Hi pal, where have you been?
2. Hai gan, lama gak ketemu nih : Hi dude, long time no see.

#Boam (Bodo Amat)
1. Boam deh. Itu mah bukan urusan gue: I don't care, it's none of my business.
2. Boam dah sama semua yang lo omongin: The hell with whatever you say.
3. Boam sama cewek itu. Emangnya gua pikirin!: I don't care with that girl. I never think of her.

1. Capcus ya: Quickly / Hurry up / shake it up.
2. Yuk ah, capcus!: Let's go immediately!
3. Ayolah capcus!: Come on !
4. Capcus donk! dah hampir telat nih: Hurry up, please! it's almost late.
5. Capcus donk! mereka udah nunggu tuh: Please make a haste. They are waiting.

1. Digituin aja biar cetar: Do it way, so it look suprising.
2. Kurang cetar ah: It's not bombastic enough.
3. Gila! cetar banget: Wow! it's so amazing.

1. Gausah baper deh: Don't take it into your heart!
2. Dia mah orangnya baperan: She is a very sensitive girl. 

#Masbuloh (Masalah Buat Loh?)
1. Terus, masbuloh gitu?: So, is that a problem for you?
2. Kalo gue gak bisa maenin game ini kenapa emangnya? Masbuloh?: If I can't play this game, so what? Is that a problem for you?

#Mager (Males Gerak)
1. Lagi mager nih: I am so lazy to do anything.

#Ciyus (Serius)
 1. Ciyus loe?: Are you serious?
 2. Gue ciyus nih: I mean it.
#Curcol (Curhat Colongan)
1. Dia sering curcol sama gue: He often confides in me secretly.
2. Lagi curcol ya?: Are you sharing your feelings secretly?

1. Udah, gak usah galau gitu!: Come on, don't let it make you down!
2. Lagi galau nih: I am upset / I am feeling blue.
3. Dia bikin gue galau: She makes me feel blue.
4. Apa yang bikin lo galau? What has made you anxious?
5. Buat yang lagi galau, waktunya senang-senang nih!: For those who are upset, it's time to have fun!

#Geje (Gak Jelas)
1. Jadi orang jangan geje, donk!: Don't be a lenient person!
2. Geje ah!: It's absurd!
3. Bener-bener geje!: It's completely unclear!
4, Orang itu geje banget sih!: He is so annoying!

1. Cowok itu kece banget sih: That boy is so cute / handsome!
2. Biar kece, lo harus pake ini deh: To look stunning, you have to wear this.
3. Kalau gitu caranya, ga kece kan?: If that's the way, it isn't cool, is it?
4. Itu kece banget!: It's awesome!

1. Dia tuh orangnya kepo banget, nanya melulu: She is a nosy parker, always asking too many questions.
2. Jangan kepo!: Don't ask too many questions! / Don't be anxious!

#Kudet (Kurang Update)
1. Aku tuh agak kudet: I am not really updated.

1. Jaringannya lemot banget!: The internet connection is so slow!
2. Dasar lemot!: Snail!
3. Jadi orang jangan lemot, donk!: Don't be a slow person!

1. Orangnya agak lola: It's hard to him to understand things quickly.
2. Nyebelin banget! internetnya lola: It really sucks! The internet loading process is so slow.
3. Lola banget lo! dari tadi gak ngerti-ngerti gue ngomong apa: You're so slow. I have talked you again and again, but you don't get the point.

1. Jangan narsis deh!: Don't admire yourself too much!
2. Dasar narsis!: You're such a narcissist!
3. Dia mah narsis abis: She is so narcissistic.

#Pe'a (Pendek Akal)
1. Dia pea banget sih: He's moron.
2. Pea lo!: You're moron! / You're stupid! / You're idiot!
3. Siswa baru itu kayaknya pea deh: That new students seems stupid.

#PW (Posisi Wuenak)
1. Aku gak mau pindah, udah pw di Bandung: I don't wanna move. I've already got a comfortable life in Bandung.
2. Dia mah udah pw: He's got a good position / job.

1. Pokoknya rempong deh!: It's so complicated!
2. Cewek itu rempong banget dah!: That girl is so difficult.
3. Aduh, rempong banget sih ngeliat lo bawa belanjaan banyak gitu: It's so disturbing to see you with all your stuffs.

1. Jangan sotoy!: Don't be a smart ass!
2. Dia agak sotoy orangnya: He acts as if he knows everything.
3. Lo tau darimana? Sotoy lo!: How did you know it? You're such a know-it-all.
4. Gua gak suka cewek itu. Sotoy banget: I don't like that girl. A sort of smart aleck.
#Suka Ngadu
1. Dia suka ngadu ke guru. Nyebelin!: She often has a bone to pick with the teacher. Really annoying!
2. Dia sukanya ngadu domba: He always plays one against the other.

1. Dia bikin kamu termehek-mehek ya?: He makes you crazy, doesn't he?
2. Jadi termehek-mehek: It makes me deeply touched.
3. Liat anak kecil itu! Dia dah nangis termehek-mehek lama banget: Look at that kid! he's cried for such a long time.

#Spik (Omong Kosong)
1. Itu mah cuma spik: It's only bullshit.
2. Dia tuh cuma spik aja: He only lies / He is not really serious.
3. Lo bilang punya 5 pacar? spik banget!: You said you have 5 girlfriends? A big liar!
1. Bayinya unyu banget: The baby's so cute.
2. Dia tuh orangnya unyu banget: He is such a funny guy.
3. Dia masih unyu-unyu: She's so young.

1. Woles aja deh: Just relax.
2. Dia tuh orangnya woles banget: He's so easygoing.
3. Gak usah cemas bro, woles ajalah: Don't worry, dude, just stay cool.
4. Woles aja! dia udah gak bete lagi sama kamu kok: Take it easy, man! She is not mad at you anymore.

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