Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

English Must be Fun for Children

            Currently foreign language is not as trivial as it was formerly. Mastering it entirily is substansial thing that can make someone is looked ‘different’ from others. It can be found in job vacancy that one of the prerequirements to get the job is be able to speak English fluently. So it can be concluded that foreign language especially English is required. If this statement is allright, the matter is how far people focusing to learn English itself. Many people have their methods to overcome this matter. And one of the methods is ‘learning English from an early age’. And this role is held by parents actually. Looking many English courses in many places shows us that parents today think that is better to put their children into English course so that their children can communicate in English fluently. But the matter is all children don’t have passion as same as their parents. Some children enjoy in learning English and some children are not. So in this paper will be explained how should parents treat their children in learning English?
            “A child like as a dry sponge which was added to water, it absorbs everything." said Tanti Widya Rani, M.Psi, a psychologist in Kompasiana (2013). According to that statement can be conluded that chidren are very sensitive to every information their received either from their family, schoolmate, teacher, and everything which can give an information to them. And it is genuinely influential to their mindset. So if parents don’t use the appropriate method to child in order to be able to do something, of course it doesn’t work maximally. In this case for example, the wrong method is when parents demand their child to learn English without knowing their child’s interest and passion at first. Directing children to positive works is good, but it will be better if it is done by using the appropriate methods according to the children’s interest and passion. Children usually don’t like anything sounds serious which can make them confused and stressed. So if parent or teacher teach English to children with methods that they dislike so the information and impression which was received by them is ‘learning English is boring and annoying’. And it is not right if we blame children about this case.
            It is generally accepted that children and adults have different toughts. Therefore,  knowing what children interested and liked is the first step before demand them to learn something. It can be cloncluded that children will learn a foreign language more easily if it is integrated with another subject especially which related to their interest and passion.  
Creative method is required to make them fresh and feel fun. For instance, by studying in the park so that children can see a lot of things such as trees, flowers, butterflies, chair, people, grass, and whatever he saw in the park. So eventually a good impression is formed in the child's mind. A child think that he get lots of fun and know new things from that. When a good impression formed in child’s mind it is a good occasion to teach him English of the objects he saw in the park. Instead of feeling bored, the child even interested and enjoy it. And there are a lot of subjects can be integreted to learn English such as music, movie, game, funny pictures, and other things which are liked by children.
             Learning is the duty of a child but playing happily is their right either. A good impression will result something good. So by showing them a good impression in learning English, of course they would think that learning English is fun.

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