Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Reading Habit for Civilized Society

"According to data from the Organization for Ecocomic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the reading culture of Indonesian society is the lowest rank among 52 countries in Asia. In 2012 Unesco reported that a child has an ability to spent 25 books in a year, while Indonesia reached the lowest point: 0 percent. It means, from 1,000 Indonesian children, only one is able to spend one book in a year. This is a substansial issue, this critical case. The roblem of interest in reading probably is not as significant as about energy or food. But how to prepare the country's future if the literacy rate of the society is so low?"  Said Najwa Shihab in Kompas Daily, August 18, 2016 coincided with the international literacy day.
Without us knowing our country was ranked the lowest in reading and writing. This is not a trivial issue considering a country can be seen whether developed or developing from the interest of literacy. If the easiest things such as read only still low, how to improve the country itself? If people are lazy to read how to improve governance itself? If society is more fun to play gadget and shopping branded goods rather than read a book, how to fix the country's economy itself?
Reading did not make that hunger be satisfied, but more than that reading a book can add insight to someone how to address economic problems such as poverty so he/she can fix it in a real life with the ways written in the book.
Perhaps, one of causes of the low reading habits in our country is the mindset of people who think that reading is not important. Better work hard to make money rather than sit comfortably while reading a book. Yes, this mindset is casual glance. But of course it's not as casually like that.
We are familiar with Soekarno, BJ. Habibie, Gus Dur, Quraish Shihab, and other great figures who live in our country. They are the ones who appreciate science. Give them a book they love. They’re reading so many books so they can be a great figures be like. So we are? Only ordinary people how dare to say that reading is not important? Don’t we look arrogant to say such a thing?
The first revelation which Allah revealed through the angel Gabriel to His Messenger Muhammad is 'Iqra' which means 'read'. This one word is a verb without a subject or object before and after. Thus, in the Arabic language itself it refers to the command line. Why is the first verse revealed not the word 'worship' or 'go pray' maybe? Of course, God sent down His verses with the word 'Read!' Is not without reason.
Actually reading habit is an early foundation for creating a civilized men and faithful. Civilized men means society who have an intelligent mindset, knows the value and meaning, can distinguish between which is the true and false one, and make anything useful to the people and environment around them. And faith means believing what is not visible to the eye. The climax of faith of civilized man is when he realized that he was created by The Great One, when he realized there is something greater than him and it’s the Highest one, it is God.
The reading habit actually can not be enforced for granted especially to the adults. But it is not mean impossible to do. Never too late to learn and so something goodness. And for parents should be better to introduce books to children from an early age, so that the children will get used to read later.
Speak means cultured. Cultured means it has civilization. Great civilizations are formed because of a strong culture. A strong culture reflects the intelligent human being. Intelligent in science, social, education, economy, and religion. And all of them will happen if the people have a high interest in reading.

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